There are defenders and attackers in every aspect of computer security. To say that all criminals are evil and all defenses are good would be inaccurate. Both positions are beneficial to a company. The other query is which one you prefer to be skilled in. Professionals in cyber security frequently concentrate more on the defensive aspect of security. After all, it is part of our job description to defend against attacks from opponents. But defense alone cannot solve the problem. Hackers constantly improve their trade. They are improving at avoiding defenses and discovering new ways to hack networks and systems. Many companies recognize the significance of developing both offensive and defensive strategies. However, the question arises: should you prioritize playing defense or offense?
Blue Team
Red Team
What is the Way the Blue Team Works?
What is the Way the Red Team Works?
Blue Team vs. Red Team
Certifications of Red Team and Blue Team
Roles of Blue Team and Red Team in Cybersecurity
Tools for Blue Team and Red Team
Blue Team
This team usually comprises incident response advisors who advise the IT security team on which areas to improve to avoid sophisticated cyber threats and attacks. If the red team plays offense, the blue team is on defense. The IT security team must also secure the internal network against various risks.
Red Team
A red team comprises cybersecurity professionals entrusted with offensive security responsibilities. Its members are ethical hackers who objectively exploit the system’s security to discover its flaws. Red team members use every available method or, better yet, a technique to exploit any system and the individual in charge of the system, policies, etc., to gain unauthorized access to the organization’s assets. After thorough examinations, they prepare recommendations and strategies to improve the organization’s security system.
What is the Way the Blue Team Works?
A blue team’s first task is to gather information and documentation to determine what needs to be protected and subject to risk analysis. The primary duties of the blue team are Security Operation Centre functions, Security Information and Event Management, packet capture, packet analysis, threat detection, solution threat intelligence, etc. They are also responsible for educating the staff about risk, its effects, and mitigating measures.
What is the Way the Red Team Works?
Before the exercise, the organization sets red team objectives. Red teaming depends on planning. It is a simulation-based attack that aims to gain access to specific data. So, once they have the objectives, they plan the entire scenario. The red team members will then start looking for and using any system flaws to gain access to the intended system without authorization. If the red team discovers a vulnerability, they will escalate it to see how far they can push it. After that, the red team will produce a report and analysis for the blue team outlining how to recover from and fix the vulnerability they found during their search. The systems and reputation of an organization may be significantly impacted by the cybercriminals’ use of numerous minor vulnerabilities that they chain together.
Blue Team vs. Red Team
Blue Team
Red Team
Certifications of Red Team and Blue Team
Blue Team
Red Team
Roles of Blue Team and Red Team in Cybersecurity
Blue Team
Red Team
Tools for Blue Team and Red Team
Blue Team Tools
Red Team Tools
About InfosecTrain
A great way to assess how effective your organization’s detection and response plan is to examine it from the viewpoint of an attacker. Given the rising number of breaches and ransomware attacks, our strategies and technologies could be more effective. You can sign up for  InfosecTrain’s  Red Team expert training course, which will help you become an influential Red Team expert capable of fending off cyber threats and conducting fruitful penetration tests to find them. You can enroll in one of our numerous security testing training courses to aid your preparation.