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Commonly Asked Offensive Security Interview Questions

Author by: Pooja Rawat
Oct 11, 2024 634
Commonly Asked Offensive Security Interview Questions

Are organizations truly prepared to defend against the relentless surge of cyber threats? Recent reports from leading cybersecurity firms such as Gartner highlight that the demand for offensive security professionals has surged by over 30% in the past year alone. Gartner’s “Market Guide for Offensive Security Services” emphasizes the critical need for professionals skilled in Offensive Security tactics to anticipate and counter advanced cyber threats, beyond just defensive strategies.

With cyber incidents becoming more complex and frequent, companies are intensifying their search for skilled Penetration Testers and Red Team members to strengthen their defenses. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring candidate, the interview process for these roles can be challenging to navigate. This article delves into the commonly asked offensive security interview questions. We’ll explore not only the questions themselves but also provide insights into what interviewers are seeking, helping you prepare to showcase your expertise effectively.

Commonly Asked Offensive Security Interview Questions

1. Can you describe the difference between black-box, white-box, and gray-box testing?

Black-box Testing White-box Testing Gray-box Testing
In this method, the tester has no prior knowledge of the system’s internal structures or operations. It’s similar to an external hacker attempting to breach the system without insider information. This approach simulates real-world attack scenarios where attackers have limited information. Here, the tester has comprehensive knowledge of the system, including source code, architecture diagrams, and network details. This process allows for a thorough examination of potential vulnerabilities from an insider’s perspective, facilitating more detailed and effective security assessments. This is a hybrid approach where the tester has partial knowledge of the system, such as limited access to network diagrams or certain credentials. It simulates scenarios where an attacker might have some insider information, providing a balanced view between black-box and white-box testing.

2. What is the OWASP Top 10, and why is it important?

The OWASP Top 10 is a regularly updated report by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) that outlines the ten most critical web application security risks. It serves as a foundational guide for organizations to prioritize their security efforts and mitigate the most prevalent threats. Its importance lies in providing a standardized framework that helps developers, security professionals, and organizations focus on the most significant risks, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to address these common vulnerabilities.

3. How do you perform a penetration test from start to finish?

Conducting a penetration assessment involves a series of well-defined steps to ensure a complete evaluation of the target’s security measures.

Planning and Reconnaissance:

  • Define Scope: Collaborate with stakeholders to determine the boundaries, objectives, and rules of engagement.
  • Gather Information: Collect data about the target through open-source intelligence (OSINT), such as domain names, IP addresses, and network infrastructure.


  • Network Scanning: Use tools like Nmap to identify open ports, services, and potential entry points.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Employ scanners like Nessus or OpenVAS to detect known vulnerabilities within the identified services.

Gaining Access:

  • Exploitation: Utilize frameworks like Metasploit to exploit identified vulnerabilities, aiming to gain unauthorized access or escalate privileges.

Maintaining Access:

  • Establish Persistence: Implement backdoors or other malware to maintain access for extended periods, simulating a real attacker’s actions.

Analysis and Reporting:

  • Document Findings: Compile a detailed report outlining discovered vulnerabilities, exploitation methods, potential impacts, and remediation recommendations.
  • Presentation: Present findings to stakeholders, ensuring they understand the risks and necessary actions to mitigate them.


  • Remove Artifacts: Ensure that any tools, scripts, or backdoors used during the test are removed to leave the target environment in its original state.

4. Explain the concept of privilege escalation and how you would perform it.

Privilege escalation refers to the process of exploiting a vulnerability or misconfiguration within a system to gain elevated access privileges, such as moving from a regular user account to an administrator or root level. This is a critical step for attackers aiming to fully compromise a system.

Steps to Perform:


  • Gather info on current user privileges and system configuration.
  • Use commands/tools like whoami, uname -a, ps aux, LinPEAS, and WinPEAS.

Identify Vulnerabilities:

  • Look for unpatched software, weak permissions, and misconfigured services.

Exploit Vulnerabilities:

  • SUID/SGID Binaries (Linux): Find and exploit vulnerable binaries.
  • Kernel Exploits: Use exploits for outdated kernels.
  • Credential Harvesting: Extract credentials from config files or memory.

Execute Exploits:

  • Deploy crafted payloads or scripts to gain elevated privileges.

Verify Escalation:

  • Confirm new privilege level using whoami or similar commands.

5. What tools do you commonly use in offensive security, and why?

Tools used in offensive security includes:

  • Nmap: For network scanning and discovering open ports/services.
  • Metasploit: For exploiting vulnerabilities and managing payloads.
  • Burp Suite: For web application testing and intercepting HTTP/S traffic.
  • Wireshark: For network traffic analysis and packet inspection.
  • SQLmap: For automating SQL injection attacks.
  • John the Ripper: For password cracking and testing password strength.
  • Hydra: For brute-force attacks on various protocols.

6. Can you explain what a buffer overflow is and how it can be exploited?

A buffer overflow happens when a computer sends more data into a buffer than it was intended to hold, causing the excess data to overwrite adjacent memory locations. Attackers use this vulnerability to insert malicious code into the overflowing buffer. To exploit a buffer overflow, an attacker typically follows these steps:

  • Inject Malicious Code: The attacker inputs data that exceeds the buffer’s capacity, embedding malicious code within the overflow data.
  • Overwrite Return Addresses: By manipulating the overflow, the attacker changes the return address stored on the stack, directing the program to execute the injected code instead of returning to the legitimate function.
  • Execute Arbitrary Code: Once the return address is altered, the program executes the attacker’s code, which can perform various malicious actions, such as opening a backdoor, stealing sensitive information, or disrupting system operations.

7. How do you stay updated with the latest vulnerabilities and security trends?

Staying updated involves regularly following security blogs and forums like Krebs on Security and Hacker News, pursuing certifications and training such as OSCP and CEH, attending conferences and webinars like DEF CON and Black Hat, subscribing to newsletters and alerts from sources like CVE databases, and engaging with the security community through online forums and contributing to open-source projects. These activities ensure continuous learning and awareness of emerging threats.

8. Describe a scenario in which you uncovered a critical vulnerability. How did you handle it?

During a web application assessment, I identified a critical SQL injection vulnerability. I documented the issue with proof-of-concept exploits and promptly communicated the findings to the development and security teams. Collaborating with them, we implemented parameterized queries and enhanced input validation to mitigate the vulnerability. This action significantly strengthened the application’s security posture and prevented potential data breaches.

9. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption, making it faster and suitable for large data volumes, but challenging in key distribution. Examples include AES and DES. Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys—a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption—enhancing security for key exchange and digital signatures, though it is slower. Examples include RSA and ECC. Symmetric is ideal for bulk data encryption, while asymmetric is used for secure key exchanges and digital certificates.

10. How would you conduct a social engineering attack?

Conducting a social engineering attack involves several steps: Reconnaissance to gather information about the target, Planning to choose the type of attack (e.g., phishing, pretexting), Execution by crafting convincing messages or scenarios to deceive the target, Exploitation to obtain sensitive information or access, and Covering Tracks to minimize evidence of the attack. It’s crucial to conduct these activities ethically and with proper authorization during assessments.

11. Explain SQL injection and how can it be prevented.

SQL injection is a technique where attackers inject malicious SQL queries into input fields to manipulate a database, potentially leading to unauthorized data access, modification, or deletion. Prevention methods include:

  • Parameterized Queries/Prepared Statements to treat inputs as data
  • Input Validation to sanitize user inputs
  • Least Privilege to restrict database user permissions
  • Stored Procedures to abstract database queries
  • ORMs to handle database interactions securely

12. Explain the MITRE ATT&CK framework and its relevance in offensive security.

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is like a detailed playbook that outlines how cyber attackers operate. It breaks down their strategies, techniques, and behaviors based on actual incidents, helping organizations understand and defend against real-world threats. The MITRE ATT&CK framework is really valuable in offensive security because it helps experts map out potential threats, run simulated attacks, and build stronger defenses. By offering a clear way to understand how attackers think and operate, it allows security teams to predict how someone might try to breach their systems.

13. What steps would you take to secure a wireless network?

Securing a wireless network involves several measures:

  • Strong Encryption: Use WPA3 instead of older protocols like WEP or WPA2
  • Secure Passwords: Implement complex, unique passwords
  • Network Segmentation: Separate guest networks from internal networks
  • Disable WPS: Prevent brute-force attacks on Wi-Fi Protected Setup
  • Regular Updates: Keep firmware updated to patch vulnerabilities
  • Monitoring: Use intrusion detection systems to track unauthorized access
  • MAC Address Filtering: Restrict network access to known devices

14. How do you bypass antivirus and other security mechanisms during a penetration test?

Bypassing antivirus and security mechanisms involves techniques such as obfuscation (encoding or encrypting malicious code), polymorphism (changing code structure without altering functionality), living off the land (using legitimate tools like PowerShell), fileless malware (executing attacks in memory), and custom payloads that evade signature-based detection. Additionally, exploiting trusted processes and, if within scope, disabling security tools can facilitate further penetration. These methods must be used responsibly and ethically within the testing scope.

15. What is a pivot in penetration testing, and how would you utilize it?

Pivoting in penetration testing refers to using a compromised system as a foothold to access other systems within the network. This technique allows testers to navigate through internal networks, identifying and exploiting additional vulnerabilities. Utilization methods include SSH tunneling to create secure channels, proxy chains to route traffic through multiple compromised machines, and VPN access established through the pivot point. For example, after compromising a less secure machine, a tester can map the internal network and target critical assets through the pivot.

16. Can you explain what Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is and the different types?

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a web security flaw that enables attackers to inject harmful scripts into reputable websites, which are then executed in the browsers of users. The three main types are:

  • Stored XSS: Malicious script is permanently stored on the server and served to users.
  • Reflected XSS: Script is reflected off a web server, typically via a URL or form input.
  • DOM-Based XSS: Manipulates the Document Object Model (DOM) in the victim’s browser without server interaction.

17. What is a zero-day vulnerability, and how do you handle it during a security assessment?

A zero-day vulnerability is a previously unknown flaw in software or hardware with no available patch. Handling it involves:

  • Discovery: Identifying the vulnerability through research or testing.
  • Reporting: Documenting and communicating the findings promptly to stakeholders.
  • Mitigation: Implementing temporary controls like network segmentation or firewalls.
  • Collaboration: Working with developers and vendors to develop and deploy patches.
  • Disclosure: Following responsible disclosure practices to inform the community once fixed.

18. Describe how you would conduct a red team engagement.

Conducting a red team engagement involves several steps:

  • Planning and Scoping: Define objectives, rules of engagement, and target boundaries with stakeholders.
  • Reconnaissance: Gather intelligence on the target’s infrastructure, personnel, and operations.
  • Initial Access: Use various attack vectors like phishing and malware to breach defenses.
  • Persistence: Maintain access within the system, ensuring the ability to return.
  • Escalation of Privileges: Gain higher-level permissions to access critical areas.
  • Lateral Movement: Navigate the network to find valuable assets.
  • Collection and Exfiltration: Extract sensitive data or simulated objectives.
  • Reporting: Document tactics used, vulnerabilities exploited, and provide remediation recommendations.
  • Debriefing: Present findings to stakeholders, discuss the impact, and suggest security improvements.

Offensive Security with InfosecTrain

Obtaining a position in offensive security involves not only technological expertise but also strategic thinking and ethical principles. By becoming well-acquainted with these typical interview questions and drawing on your own experiences and expertise, you’ll be able to showcase your skills confidently to prospective employers. Keep in mind that your aim is to highlight your enthusiasm for cybersecurity, your commitment to ongoing learning, and your dedication to protecting digital assets from threats. Equip yourself with these insights, and you’ll be well on your way to securing your next offensive security position.

With InfosecTrain, you’ll gain hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge tailored to real-world cybersecurity challenges. Our expert-led Offensive Security courses empower you to confidently showcase your passion, continuous learning, and commitment to protecting digital assets. Ready to advance your cybersecurity career? Join InfosecTrain today and take the first step toward securing your next offensive security role!

Offensive Cyber Security Engineer
