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DevOps Vs. DevSecOps

The terms “DevOps” and “DevSecOps” are relatively new to information technology. Although these ideas have been around for a long time, it has only been more recently that they have become well-known as buzzwords. DevOps makes things fast and helps individuals work together quickly when creating software. DevSecOps is like a safety guard that ensures the software is safe from the beginning. When you use both, you can make fast and secure software suitable for the individuals who use it.

DevOps Vs. DevSecOps

Table of Contents

What is DevOps?
Key DevOps Principles
What is DevSecOps?
Key DevSecOps Principles
Balancing Act: DevOps and DevSecOps Together
DevOps Vs DevSecOps

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collection of methods to speed up the delivery of software changes and new features to users. It combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops). DevOps focuses on automating and enhancing the software delivery process, spanning from development and testing to deployment in production. A key objective of DevOps is to simplify and quicken the process for developers to put their code into production by cutting down to the necessary steps.

Key DevOps Principles

  • Culture: DevOps is a shift in how people collaborate; it’s not just about technologies and methods. It involves breaking down the barriers that keep developers and operational employees apart and fostering communication and collaboration. Software development and delivery are made more accessible in this way.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): DevOps teams automate code integration, testing, and deployment using CI/CD pipelines, lowering the risk of human error and accelerating the release process.
  • Automation: DevOps relies heavily on automation to improve efficiency and optimize software development. It streamlines the various stages of the software development lifecycle, reducing manual tasks and minimizing errors.
  • Learning: DevOps requires organizations to accept experimentation and learn from errors because it is an ongoing learning process. It necessitates a culture of adaptation and the capacity to learn from mistakes in order to promote continual improvement.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is an innovative concept that addresses the intersection of development and security in the DevOps era. The DevOps movement focuses on methods for automating and streamlining the delivery of software. But DevSecOps goes a step further by ensuring that security is a component of each stage of the software development process.

Key DevSecOps Principles

  • Security is everyone’s responsibility: Security is a responsibility everyone shares, not just one group or individual. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the software development process, including developers, operations engineers, and security experts.
  • Security should be continuous: Security cannot be a one-time activity but a constant effort. Organizations must continuously check their software for any security flaws and threats as part of an ongoing procedure.
  • Security should be a culture: DevSecOps goes beyond adopting practices, encouraging a security-focused mindset and behavior among all employees. Security should become established in the organizational culture. This entails fostering a culture of safety, responsibility, and awareness within the organization.
  • Security should be integrated into the development process: It is essential to include security throughout the development process; it shouldn’t be added on afterward but should be a part of everything from the beginning. In order to achieve this, secure coding practices must be used, security testing must be automated, and security must be seamlessly integrated into every stage of the software development lifecycle.

Balancing Act: DevOps and DevSecOps Together

  • Start with a shared understanding of security: Start by ensuring that everyone involved in the software development process has a shared understanding of security. This necessitates that everyone understand the various dangers, threats, and weaknesses that software may face.
  • Integrate security into the development process: Instead of adding security as an afterthought, include it at the beginning of the development process. This calls for the adoption of secure coding practices, the automation of security testing, and the seamless integration of security into every stage of the software development lifecycle.
  • Communicate and collaborate: Cooperation and effective communication are essential components in integrating DevOps with DevSecOps. Developers, operations engineers, and security specialists must collaborate and engage in constant contact to handle security issues.
  • Automate security testing: By utilizing automation, security testing can be streamlined, requiring less time and effort. As a result, the software development process  runs more effectively overall, and developers can devote more time to other responsibilities.

DevOps Vs DevSecOps

Aspect DevOps DevSecOps
Focus Software development and IT operations Integrating security practices into DevOps
Key Principles Collaboration, automation, continuous delivery Integration of security early in the development process, collaboration across teams
Goal Faster delivery of software Secure, fast, and reliable software delivery
Lifecycle Emphasizes speed and agility in software delivery Incorporates security throughout the software development lifecycle
Benefits Faster delivery, improved collaboration between teams Enhanced security, early detection of vulnerabilities, improved compliance

About InfosecTrain

There are numerous career opportunities in the DevSecOps industry, but one must have a firm understanding of the fundamental ideas involved in succeeding. We want to assist you in securing a rewarding industry opportunity and adequately preparing for your DevSecOps interview. We are committed to helping you succeed in your professional endeavors at InfosecTrain. Please feel free to join our Devsecops Training Course or AZ-400 Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert certification training course if you require professional help and tactical direction for your preparation.

Practical DevSecOps Training

TRAINING CALENDAR of Upcoming Batches For DevSecOps

Start Date End Date Start - End Time Batch Type Training Mode Batch Status
20-Jul-2024 18-Aug-2024 09:00 - 13:00 IST Weekend Online [ Open ]
“ Sonika Sharma holds a Masters degree in Management domain. She is a storyteller & loves writing blogs, Articles and PR content. She is a lifelong learner and passionate reader and carries pragmatic and rational approach. “
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