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Great Tips for Passing the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam

CEH certification

The world is now gradually replaced by new and improved technologies. Data is the critical aspect that must be preserved in this development in technology. With the increasing amounts of data on a daily basis, hackers target the data with diverse malintent, while certified ethical hackers in the organization work to prevent these cybercrimes.

Great Tips for Passing the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam

Why CEH certification?

CEH certification training teaches the candidates to spot vulnerabilities in a system. It trains you on how to identify threat flows, how to verify them, and how to treat them as well. This is a certification and companies look for people who are already certified as CEH. So, what exactly is the purpose of this certification:

  • This is a globally accepted certification.
  • It tests the knowledge that a candidate has about threats and implementing preventive measures.

While the exam certification will test you on the criteria, the training will provide you with all of the material you need for the exam and to gain knowledge from a real-world viewpoint. It trains candidates to think like a hacker, and by doing so, the candidates can spot the vulnerabilities in a system just like how an attacker would do. Also, a CEH certified professional is often known as a white-hat hacker as well.

CEH Certification for?

  • Auditors
  • Site Administrators
  • Security professionals
  • Anyone concerned with network infrastructure
  • Firewall administrators
  • Network and security administrators


CEH exam details

Exam format Multiple-choice
Language English
Number of questions 125
Duration 240min
Passing Marks 60% to 80%

CEH exam Module

There are several modules in this CEH exam syllabus.

Module 01: Introduction of ethical hacking

  • This module explains you the fundamental ideas of hacking, including what hacking is, who hackers are, their aim, and other associated terminology

Module 02: Reconnaissance and Footprinting

  • This module go further into the different phases of hacking, which will help you think like a hacker
  • Utilize footprinting techniques to gather information from many sources and how to guard against it

Module 03: Network scanning

  • Various approaches for identifying and scanning the network, host, and port discovery using various vulnerability scanners

Module 04: Enumeration

  • This module includes finding detailed information about the host and ports during scanning
  • Subdomains such as NFS(Network File System) enumeration and related techniques, DNS(Domain Name System) snooping, as well as measures

Module 05: Vulnerability analysis

  • It explains the fundamentals of vulnerability analysis and its various types, as well as hands-on expertise with tools currently utilized in the marketplace

Module 06: System hacking

  • It focuses on gaining system access, escalating privileges, maintaining access, and clearing your tracks

Module 07: Malware threats

  • This module will help you gain a better grasp of the numerous defense and attack methods and techniques that play a role in the hacking process.
  • Malware threat terminology, bugs, worms, malicious software, and their analysis, as well as data loss prevention measures

Module 08: Sniffing

  • Approaches for sniffing packets, related tools, and associated defensive approaches

Module 09: Social-engineering

  • As humans are now the most critical threat for any business, it is crucial to understand how attackers utilise individuals to carry out attacks such as identity fraud, deception, and insider threat, as well as how to defend against such social engineering activities

Module 10: Denial-of-service

  • Because dos and DDoS are among the most popular goals of attackers, this module discusses these attacks, use scenarios, and the associated attack and prevention methods

Module 11: Session hijacking

  • To provide a more in-depth explanation of the approach, its goal, tools employed, and alternatives
  • Spoofing attack
  • Session desynchronization
  • Man-in-the-browse attack
  • Session fixation
  • Element of a TCP connection

Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, And Honeypots

  • Discover the terminologies and how these inline defenses and strategies function in order to learn how to escape them while making an attack

Module 13: Hacking web servers

  • Attacks on web servers, techniques, tools applied, and defenses

Module 14: Hacking web applications

  • Web application based attack, technique, and mitigation

Module 15: SQL injection

  • SQL injection methodology and approaches for evasion

Module 16: Hacking wireless network

  • Wireless encryption, Bluetooth hacking, and wireless hacking-related concepts

Module 17: Hacking mobile platforms

  • Mobile device management, mobile platform attack methods, and flaws in Ios and android devices systems

Module 18: IoT hacking

  • Identifying IoT risks and assuring IoT device security operational technology fundamentals, an introduction to ICS, SCADA, and PLC, threats, attack methods, and attack prevention, the operational technology idea is a new feature

Module 19: Cloud computing

  • Threats to cloud computing and security. In addition, the fundamentals of container platform and serverless computing have been included

Module 20: Cryptography

  • Public key infrastructure cryptographic attacks, Encryption algorithms, and cryptanalysis

Domain weightage of CEH exam:

Domain 1: information security and ethical hacking overview(6%)

Domain 2: Reconnaissance techniques(21%)

Domain 3: System hacking phases and attack techniques(17%)

Domain 4: Network and perimeter hacking(14%)

Domain 5: Web application hacking(16%)

Domain 6: Wireless network hacking(6%)

Domain 7: Mobile platform, IoT, and OT hacking(8%)

Domain 8: Cloud computing(6%)

Domain 9: Cryptography(6%)

How to prepare for CEH exam?

CEH exam is a challenging exam and that is its glory. CEH is among the most desirable security certificates in the world, and it is widely respected. If you aim to conquer these tests on the first try, follow the tips below:

1. Organize your study time into smaller portions: If you want to accomplish your goal then the first thing you have to do is make a plan. Divide your syllabus into small portions, so you can give enough time to each and every topic. For example: Domain 1: Background (21.79%)(6hrs)

2. Use study materials: Gather as much reading materials as you can. There are a number of resources freely available, such as books, video tutorials, and more, to assist you in preparing and selecting the best option for you. You can go through the variety of study guides available online for the CEH exam.

3. Awareness about exam patterns: It is very important to know about the exam pattern of any certification exam that you are trying to attempt like the total number of questions, the total time for the exam, and passing score. This will help you to prepare accordingly.

4. Enroll yourself for training: If you don’t have any experience in this field then enrolling yourself in a well-affiliated and qualified training/ exam prep institute for CEH v11 training is a good step. It is one of the best tools for preparation. These training options include elements such as certificate manuals, extra learning resources, video training classes taught by expert professionals, study groups, live test scenarios, and much more to help you prepare. And for this, selecting the right training program is essential in your preparation. You can look at the CEH certification training course offered by InfosecTrain.

5. Join an online community: A passionate discussion is always useful, regardless of where it takes place—the possibilities of obtaining a solution rise when a large number of people are engaged in a challenge. The knowledge becomes more comprehensive as a result of these exchanges. Discussion boards are wonderful for developing the type of community needed to comprehend the concepts covered in the exam.

6. Fully commit: The exam of CEH certification is not an easy task. So the most important thing in your CEH certification exam is your commitment towards the exam. This difficult exam, like all others, needs entire focus and extensive study. You will need to study and take practice examinations to obtain a complete understanding of the principles and subjects included in this exam.

7. Practice and practice more: As we can see, the material for this exam is extremely subjective, with the subject matter covering topics from lots of areas. So trying to solve many practice papers is a great thing to do for your preparation. During the practice, you get an idea about the pattern of questions and the type of questions.

Tips for exam day: You’ve done all of the work before. It’s time to take a deep breath and focus on the exam. A pleasant mindset and plenty of sleep are crucial when attending an exam. Follow these tips for examination day, it will help you:

  • Don’t panic
  • Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated
  • Don’t think about the result just give your 100%


CEH Training Course with InfosecTrain

The CEH exam is challenging, and that is its glory, else everyone would have the same designation next to their identity. InfosecTrain provides premium training for those who wish to advance their career in the IT and cyber security Field. Our trainers are extremely well-versed in a wide range of fields. We’re a world-class training company with a global reputation for excellence in training. Enroll in InfosecTrain’s CEH certification training course to begin your preparations.

My name is Pooja Rawat. I have done my B.tech in Instrumentation engineering. My hobbies are reading novels and gardening. I like to learn new things and challenges. Currently I am working as a Cyber security Research analyst in Infosectrain.
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