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Role of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

Securing data in the online world has become a challenging task these days. Many organizations transfer sensitive data through the Internet or devices while doing business, and there’s a doubt whether the data being transferred through the Internet is secure. No worries. With Blockchain technology, it is possible to secure the organization’s data. Blockchain resolves the data security problem and ensures all digital data is transferred securely across the websites. Additionally, Blockchain enhances cybersecurity by providing a decentralized and immutable ledger system. This means that once data is recorded on a blockchain, it cannot be altered or tampered with, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the information.

Role of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

Table of Contents

What is Blockchain Technology?
How does it work?
Benefits of using Blockchain in Cybersecurity
Applications of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain is a type of register that stores and maintains transaction records. It stores the information in regular batches called blocks that link together to form a continuous chain. The data contained in each block is stored with a valid transaction as a block. These blocks are connected to the batches that grow as a new block of information is added.

How does it work?

A blockchain is a system that shares the data blocks with all the members linked in a chain created over the network. Each block contains the previous block’s hash, followed to develop a growing transaction history. Any tampering with a block will lead to rejection by the network community, reducing the chances of hacking into the network.

Blockchain is meant to be decentralized and distributed through a massive network of computers, and it overcomes the ability to tamper with data in the network. Blockchain technology is widely used in many organizations to secure data records, banks, healthcare, supply chains, smart contracts, elections, cryptocurrency, etc. As a result, Blockchain helps reject unauthorized entry into the network or the community and provides more security to the data.

  • Decentralized storage: Blockchain allows for the scattering of data among various devices. A decentralized system in blockchain technology makes it impossible for data theft in the network. If a person attempts to tamper with a block, the entire system examines the blocks to arrange the one that differs from the rest. It is designed in a way that storage location doesn’t exist. Every member of the chain is responsible for storing the data and verifying the shared or maintained data.
  • IoT security: Blockchain provides control and security over smart IoT devices with decentralized architecture and distributed records. Smart contracts validate the transactions in the Blockchain of a network that manages the IoT activities and ensures the security of the devices from hackers. Additionally, securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices with blockchain offers enhanced protection against cyber threats by leveraging decentralized ledger technology to authenticate and secure device transactions and interactions.
  • DDoS: Distributed Denial of service (DDoS) attacks on a set of entities can disable the entire infrastructure and blockchain organization. These attacks can induce risks to the Blockchain, leading to the system’s slowdown or shutdown by denying them service to legitimate users or systems. Integrating the decentralized system of Blockchain is the solution that protects against such attacks. Additionally, Blockchain for DDoS protection offers a robust defense mechanism against these disruptive attacks.
  • Eliminates human factor from authentication: With the help of Blockchain, users can authenticate without the requirement of a username and password. Blockchain offers strong authentication and resolves attacks at the same time. A security protocol used in an organization can hold a distributed public key for authenticating the devices and users. Each device is provided with a certified SSL certificate instead of a password.
  • Secure private messages: Blockchain offers private messaging with encrypted security to ensure the confidentiality of data in the textual conversation. It provides a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) better than any other encrypted app and helps secure private and personal information from cyber-attacks.

However, Blockchain technology helps secure and privatize the data through encryptions and cryptographic secured keys to keep the data safe in the network. A massive amount of data in the record is maintained securely with Blockchain technology. Decentralized data blocks do not allow unauthorized blocks into the chain, so there is no chance of attempting to hack or disrupt the data in the blocks.

Benefits of using Blockchain in Cybersecurity

The following are the benefits of using Blockchain in Cybersecurity:

  • Data Transparency and Traceability: The data transactions with Blockchain are digitally signed and time-stamped, so it is easy for network users to trace the transaction history of data. It also allows the organizations to validate the information of products and assets.
  • Enhanced Customer Trust: Data transparency and privacy are achieved using Blockchain and help gain customer trust. It enables the data owners to manage and control their data securely.
  • No Chance of Failure: As discussed, Blockchain technology is decentralized that offers more resilience than traditional systems. Thus, a single node failure does not affect the entire blockchain system. For instance, when a DDoS attack happens, the system can operate regularly with multiple backups. 
  • Safe Data Transfers: Blockchain technology provides the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that helps authenticate the data during transfers. It allows the fast and secure transaction of data and finance. Smart Contracts are the best examples that provide automatic execution of agreements between parties.
  • Secure Data Storage and Processing: The records under Blockchain are immutable, transparent, and non-removable. The data that can be modified and stored on the Blockchain is accessible compared to traditional systems.
  • User Confidentiality: Blockchain technology offers high user confidentiality using cryptography to authenticate the users for accessing the data. 

The future of blockchain in the cybersecurity landscape holds immense promise. As technology evolves, blockchain is expected to play a pivotal role in combating emerging cyber threats such as AI-driven attacks and quantum computing-based cryptography vulnerabilities. Additionally, advancements in blockchain scalability and interoperability will enable more widespread adoption across industries, further strengthening cybersecurity measures and safeguarding digital assets.

Applications of Blockchain in Cybersecurity

The following are the applications of Blockchain technology to strengthen cybersecurity:

  • It is used to secure systems or devices by decentralizing the administration.
  • It helps to prevent DDoS attacks using DNS entries.
  • It helps to secure the data from unauthorized access by encrypting the data.
  • It is used to develop the standard security protocol with end-to-end encryption.
  • It helps to ensure private messages with a unified API framework.
  • It reduces the impact of cyberattacks while the data is stored in a secured and decentralized form using Blockchain.
  • It is used to verify the activities such as firmware updates, security patches, installers, etc.

Emerging use cases for blockchain in cybersecurity include the establishment of decentralized identity management systems, enhancing the security of IoT devices through immutable transaction logs, and implementing transparent and auditable supply chain management solutions. These applications leverage blockchain’s inherent characteristics of transparency, immutability, and decentralization to address various cybersecurity challenges in the digital landscape.

With InfosecTrain

InfosecTrain is one of the leading IT security and cybersecurity training providers. It offers various training programs for those who want to build their career in cybersecurity and IT security. Check out our courses and enroll now.

Emaliya Keerthana
Content Writer
Emaliya Keerthana working as a Content Writer at InfosecTrain. She likes to explore the latest technology. She writes on emerging IT-related topics and is passionate about sharing her thoughts through blogs.
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