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The Details You Would Like To Know About Information Security Manager

Who Is Information Security Manager And The Roles/ Responsibilities Of This Job Profile

An information security manager is a professional who is responsible for the security of an organization’s networks, data and IoT devices against viruses, security breaches by malicious hackers and other vulnerabilities. He is, in fact, the brains of the organization’s IT and information security teams and therefore, manages the overall operations and direction of these departments.

The key role of an information security manager is to avoid the disasters by identifying the vulnerable areas that might put the information systems at risk. This job profile is more managerial than technical. Other roles and responsibilities include:

  • Training the employees about security risks and the need to use strong passwords and protect data while using mobile devices.
  • Dealing with the IT and information security department’s team and personnel with excellent managerial skills.
  • Communicate effectively to make others clearly understand the information security policies and procedures of the organization.
  • Assessment of an organization’s security measures such as anti-virus software, passwords, and firewalls in order to check upon the weak spots in the system
  • Analyzing reports generated by the monitoring system to identify anything that suggests a future risk
  • Managing backup and security systems
  • Looking after the recovery of data in case of attack
  • Overseeing security violation investigations

In short Information Security Manager is essential in every organization for the pivotal role they play in the IT and information security departments of the organizations.

Academic Degrees And Certification That Will Help In Becoming An Information Security Manager 

Academic Degree and experience that helps in achieving the managerial position in Information security are:

  • A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer programming, or a related field .
  • Higher qualifications, such as a master’s degree in business administration and information systems are preferred by the organizations.
  • More than five years of experience in information security, computer science, or information science is beneficial.

Certification in CyberSecurity along with the academic degrees and hands-on experience makes the professional the favorite choice of the hiring organizations.  The (ISC)2 Foundation has estimated the shortfall of workers has grown up to 1.5 million by 2020. Getting certified will not only fill this skill gap but will also offer a competitive edge.

 Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification are among the top security certifications around the globe. CISSP and CISM, both are accredited by ANSI under ISO/IEC 17024.

CISM certification is offered by ISACA and focuses on managerial qualities. Some of the reasons that CISM is a preferred certification to achieve the goal of Information Security manager are:

  • Along with managerial skills, it also teaches international security practice.
  • It validates your managerial, designing, overseeing skills and expertise.
  • Minimum of 5 years of information security work experience within the 10 years prior to certification and 3 of those 5 years must be spent in management.

The CISSP certification is an opportunity to initiate an amazing career in information security. The reasons why is it popular among the professionals looking forward to become Information Security manager are:

  • This certification is offered by (ISC)2 and it is a kind of hands-on technical certification.
  • It demonstrates aspirant’s skills of possessing designing, engineering, implementation skills along with the expertise to run an information security program.
  • 5 years of experience as a security professional in any 2 of the 8 domains included in the certification course.

Since both CISM and CISSP certifications are very much in demand at present, certified professionals are paid handsome salary. As per the Times Jobs survey, 20 million new jobs are coming for CISSP certified engineers in different IT sectors by 2022.

As of Jan 2020 figures, the average annual pay for the CISSP jobs category in the United States is $125,115 a year. There was a high of $199,000 and low of $72,500 in the salary.

And As of Jan 2020 figures, the average annual pay for a CISM in the United States is $134,220 a year. The highest salary paid as per the figures is $216,000 and the lowest is $78,500. ( Salary Data Source: www.ziprecruiter.com)

While preparing for these certifications, most of the candidates do not have a clear idea of the right way to prepare, so that they can get through them in their first attempt. Passing a certification exam is not only about learning and understanding the course. Practice and planning, while preparing for it, plays an important role in earning certification. There are enough CISSP and CISM Course content offered online by the exam conducting bodies for these certifications. But for those who do not think that self-learning is a good idea, InfosecTrain is there to offer effective guidance and CISSP online training and CISM Online training. For more details please visit the website www.infosectrain.com

Sweta Choudhary
Writer And Editor
“ Sweta Choudhary is a writer and editor for last 10 years. After completing her journalism from Delhi, she started her career with ‘The Pioneer’ Newspaper in 2003. She has also worked with other esteemed organisations like hindustantimes.com and Algerian Embassy. She has written various articles on wide range of topics like mainstream news, lifestyle, fashion, travel blogs, book reviews, Management courses, Information Technology, Workplace Organisation Methodologies (5S) and many more. Her work can be read on the websites of multiple organisation, magazines and Quora. “
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