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Things to Consider Before CEH v11 Exam

A Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or a “White Hat Hacker” is a skilled professional who finds and fixes computer and network security vulnerabilities using the same methods and tools as a malicious hacker. The word “ethical hacker” refers to those with advanced computer technology skills who can defraud organizations, breach security, and penetrate networks just like a malicious hacker but with appropriate permissions. Any company with a significant online presence needs ethical hacking skills to protect their organization from cybercriminals.

Things to Consider Before CEH v11 Exam

Here is a list of essential factors to consider before you start preparing for the CEH v11 certification exam:

  • The rising demand for CEH
  • Career growth in the field of CEH
  • Key responsibilities as CEH expert
  • Technical skills needed to build a CEH career
  • How to make a successful career in CEH

1. The Rising Demand for CEH v11: If you have working experience in the IT industry, you might be aware of the increasing number of cybercrime and how the cybersecurity market is revolutionizing day by day. When you’re ready to begin your career in cybersecurity and want to prepare for the CEH certification exam, the first step before going into it is to know the demand for CEH v11 certification. What role will it play in your professional development?

2. Career Growth in the Field of CEH: The second and most crucial factor to consider before preparing for your certification exam is understanding the potential for career growth in that field. We know that the increasing number of computer hacking cases has resulted in a significant increase in the number of ethical hacking job openings. Every well-known organization, financial institution, and government agency is now required to employ an ethical hacker to safeguard their sensitive data and information.

3. Key Responsibilities as CEH Expert: An ethical hacker may be in charge of various roles and responsibilities in a company. Before you start your exam preparation, know the responsibilities and work on these critical factors like:

  • Know the security and vulnerability in a network system of an organization
  • Monitor data flow, network activity and analyze security level
  • Conduct penetration testing and embedded security measurement

4. Technical Skills Needed to Build a CEH Career: When choosing a career, first understand what skills are needed to enter that field. Ethical hacking is the practice of compromising computer systems to assess security while acting in good faith by informing the vulnerable party. Ethical hacking is a necessary skill for many job roles that protect an organization’s online assets. Let’s look at the skills needed to become an ethical hacker.

A. Computer Skills

    1. The word ‘Cyber’ means computers, so the knowledge of computers is the most crucial skill for people interested in cybersecurity or a related field. Data processing, managing computer files, and creating presentations are all examples of basic computer skills. Most computer skills include MS Office, emails, social media, web systems, and many more. And an ethical hacker must have these basic computer skills.

B. Computer Networking Skills
Networking skills are one of the essential requirements for becoming an ethical hacker. The computer network is the interconnection of multiple devices, commonly referred to as Hosts, linked via various paths to send/receive data or media. So before prepping for the CEH certification exam, you must have these basic computer networking skills in the field of cybersecurity.

C. Linux Skills
Linux is an open-source operating system, and under the General Public License (GPL), its source code can be modified and distributed to anyone.  An ethical hacker should learn Linux because it is safer than any other operating system in terms of security. This isn’t to say that Linux is without flaws; it does have malware, but it is less susceptible than any other operating system. Moreover, Linux does not require anti-virus software.

D. Programming Skills
Programming skills are another essential skill for becoming an ethical hacker. So, what exactly does the term “programming” mean in the computer world? It is defined as “the act of writing code that a computational device recognizes to perform specific commands.” There are many programming languages that ethical hackers use, such as C, PHP, Python, SQL, Java, etc.

E. Basic Hardware Knowledge
The physical components, such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speakers, and motherboard, are computer hardware. Hackers don’t care about hardware security; they can play with it if they have access to it. How will someone who doesn’t understand hardware understand how the motherboard works, how USBs transfer data, how CMOS and BIOS work together, and so on? To become an ethical hacker, one must also have a basic understanding of hardware.

F. Reverse Engineering
The process of recovering a product’s design, security frameworks, and features from an analysis of its code is reverse engineering. The purpose of reverse engineering is to shorten the time it takes to service a system by making it more accessible and creating the required documents. The most popular software security system is reverse engineering, which ensures that a system or network is free of significant security vulnerabilities and threats. It contributes to developing a system’s endurance, protecting it from cyberattacks.

G. Cryptographic Skills
Cryptography converts plain text into encrypted, a non-readable form that is unintelligible to hackers while being transmitted. An ethical hacker must ensure that information between different organization members is kept private.

H. Database Skills
All database creation and management are centered on the Database Management System (DBMS). To assist the organization in building a solid DBMS, an ethical hacker must understand this and different database engines and data schemas.

I. Problem-Solving Skills
Problem-solving abilities help identify the source of a problem and invent a workable solution. Aside from the technical skills listed above, an ethical hacker must also be a deep thinker and an issue solver who can resolve problems and play with them quickly.

5. How to Make a Successful Career in CEH: When you are ready to make your career as an ethical hacker, the question that arises in your mind is where to start and how to make a successful and meaningful career in ethical hacking. You can go through the various online websites, videos, and blogs regarding a successful career path for the CEH exam. Go through this link. It will be helpful in your preparation.

Great Tips for Passing the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Exam

CEH v11 with InfosecTrain

InfosecTrain is a premium training provider for those looking to advance their careers in information technology and cyber security. Our instructors are highly knowledgeable in a variety of fields. We’re a world-class training company with a worldwide reputation for training excellence. To begin your preparations, enroll in InfosecTrain’s CEH certification training course.

CEH v11

My name is Pooja Rawat. I have done my B.tech in Instrumentation engineering. My hobbies are reading novels and gardening. I like to learn new things and challenges. Currently I am working as a Cyber security Research analyst in Infosectrain.
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