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Top 15 AWS Security Interview Questions

With the importance of cloud security, cloud professionals are widely choosing security career. If you are the one, you should go through these frequently asked AWS security interview questions and answers to land a job in AWS security.

Cloud security is one of the highly critical aspects related to the cloud in present times. More evolved threats are emerging every day, and qualified cloud security professionals are in very small numbers. Therefore, a career in AWS cloud security could be a trustworthy choice for many. If you want to go ahead with a career in AWS security, then you must be worried about AWS security interview questions.

You need to understand the different types of questions that you can find in an AWS security interview. AWS security roles vary considerably in terms of roles and responsibilities. However, the majority of AWS security interview questions focus only on the essentials of cloud security. The following AWS interview questions for security-based roles would help you gain a thorough impression of the difficulty levels you can expect in AWS security interviews.

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Basic AWS security interview questions and answers

  • 1. What are the important cloud security aspects in AWS?

Ans: The two critical cloud security aspects in AWS refer to authentication and authorization and access control. Authentication and authorization allow genuine users to access data and applications. On the other hand, access control helps in restricting the access of other users trying to enter the AWS cloud environment.

  • 2. What are the important security precautions before migration to AWS Cloud?

Ans: The important precautions that users must take before migration to AWS cloud should be to focus on the following areas.

  • Data integrity
  • Data loss
  • Data storage
  • Business continuity
  • Uptime
  • Compliance with rules and regulations
  • 3. What are the laws implemented for security of cloud data?

Ans: The different security laws applicable to cloud data are relevant for different stages in data lifecycle. The laws for validation of input help in controlling input data. The backup and security laws ensure the security and storage of data, thereby controlling data breaches. Output and reconciliation laws help in ensuring controls of data selected for reconciliation from input to output. The laws for processing ensure proper controls over the data processed in an application.

  • 4. What are the infrastructure security products on AWS?

Ans:AWS facilitates different security capabilities and services for increasing privacy and control over network access. You can find connectivity options for enabling private or dedicated connection from on-premises or office environment. Infrastructure security also involves encryption of all traffic on AWS global and regional networks among AWS secured facilities.

  • 5. What are inventory and configuration management security features on AWS?

Ans: The important best practices for security of inventory and configuration management in AWS include,

  • Inventory and configuration management tools for identification of AWS resources followed by tracking and management of changes to the resources over time.
  • Deployment tools for management of creation and decommissioning AWS resources in accordance with organization standards
  • Tools for template definition and management for creation of standard, hardened, preconfigured virtual machines for EC2 instances
  • 6. What is AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)?

Ans: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the service that helps you provide definitions for individual user accounts with permissions across different AWS resources. AWS IAM also includes multi-factor authentication tailored specially for privileged accounts. In addition, you can also find the options for hardware-based and software-based authenticators in AWS IAM.

  • 7. What is AWS Directory Service?

Ans: The AWS Directory Service is the ideal service for integration and federating with corporate directories. As a result, users can reduce the administrative overhead alongside ensuring the improvement of end-user experiences.

  • 8. What is AWS Single Sign-On?

Ans: AWS Single Sign-On or (AWS SSO) is helpful for users to ensure the management of SSO access. It also provides centralized management of user permissions to all accounts in AWS organizations.

  • 9. What is AWS CloudTrail?

Ans: AWS CloudTrail is the cloud monitoring service of AWS that helps in monitoring AWS deployments in the cloud. CloudTrail achieves this through a history of AWS API calls for a concerned account.

  • 10. Define Amazon GuardDuty?

Ans: Amazon GuardDuty is the threat detection service for continuous monitoring of malicious activity and unauthorized behavior for safeguarding AWS accounts and workloads.

  • 11. What is Amazon CloudWatch?

Ans: Amazon CloudWatch is a reliable cloud service that gives a monitoring solution with an assurance of reliability, flexibility, and scalability. Users can start and utilize CloudWatch quickly as it does not take long for setup and then management and scaling of your monitoring systems and infrastructure.

  • 12. Define AWS Trusted Advisor.

Ans: AWS Trusted Advisor serves as an ideal online tool serving as a customized cloud expert. It can help you with resource configuration in accordance with best practices. It also evaluates the AWS environment thoroughly for addressing any security gaps.

  • 13. What is the role of AWS Security Bulletins?

Ans: AWS Security Bulletins are one of the most reliable sources of updated information on existing threats and vulnerabilities. These security bulletins help customers to work in close quarters with AWS security experts to address vulnerabilities and report abuse.

  • 14. What is the significance of AWS Well-Architected Framework?

Ans: The AWS Well-Architected Framework establishes the foundation for cloud architects to develop cloud infrastructure for their applications with higher security, efficiency, performance, and resilience. The security pillar in the AWS Well-Architected Framework establishes the ideal precedents for data integrity, system protection, and controls for detection of security events.

  • 15. What are the notable advantages of AWS security?

Ans: The striking benefits of AWS security include the following,

  • Secure scalability with better visibility and control.
  • Automation of security controls and reduction of risk associated with deeply integrated services.
  • Compliance with the highest benchmarks of data security and privacy.
  • Extensive community support.


On the basis of the above-mentioned AWS security interview questions, you can predict how difficult an actual interview would be. Therefore, it is important for candidates to prepare thoroughly for every frequently asked AWS security interview question. The overview of AWS security interview questions presents above suggests that candidates should achieve professional training and certification before applying for an AWS security-based job role.

Training and certification would not only improve your skills in AWS security but also your familiarization with industry standards. Gradually, you can develop the fluency for answers almost any AWS security interview question without hesitation.

Certification nowadays acts as a catalyst to get you your dream job. So, we recommend you to validate your skills with the AWS Security Specialty certification before sitting in the interview. You can check and enroll in our AWS Certified Security Specialty training to prepare for the certification exam.

Don’t wait anymore and start your preparations right now if you want to succeed at an AWS security interview!

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