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Top 20 Cloud Security Interview Questions

Cracking an interview has never been so easy, so it needs a great preparation. If you are preparing for a cloud security interview, check out these top cloud security interview questions, and get ready for the interview.

Cloud Security measures are set up to protect cloud data or the infrastructure of cloud computing. If you want to advance your career in cloud security, you must become a Certified Cloud Security Professional. If you are preparing for an interview for a cloud security job, you should consider looking at some top cloud security interview questions and prepare yourself to ace the interview.

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Cloud Security Interview Questions

Frequently Asked Cloud Security Interview Questions

For all cloud aspirants, here we bring the latest cloud security interview questions that might help you with your next interview. Whether you are a fresher or have gained some experience of working in IT security or cloud security, these interview questions will help you to crack the interview and land your dream job. Let’s go through the top cloud security interview questions:

1. What is a Systems Integrator?

In Cloud Computing, a systems integrator is either a person or company that has expertise in compacting component subsystems together and making sure that they function together.

2. Name some of the open-source cloud computing platform databases?

This is one of the frequently asked cloud security interview questions. You can mention some databases that you have worked on.

Some open-source cloud computing platform databases are Google BigTable, Couch DB, Amazon SimpleDB, Lucid DB, Cloud-based SQL, and Mongo DB.

3. How is on-demand functionality provided in cloud computing?

Cloud computing has a function for subscribers that provides on-demand access to IT resources that are virtualized. Cloud computing uses a shared pool that contains networks, servers, applications, services, and storage to provide configurable resources. This on the more common side of cloud security interview questions.

4. Mention the different models for deployment in cloud computing?

The different types of models for deployment that can be found in cloud computing are:

  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Community cloud

5. What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing?

This type of cloud security interview questions tests your knowledge in your understanding of the core concepts of cloud computing. Cloud computing and mobile computing are slightly similar in concept. Cloud computing provides users data according to their requirements, while mobile computing gives access to users for storing, managing, with a user-friendly interface.

6. What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing?

Mobile computing and cloud computing are slightly the same in concept. Mobile computing uses the concept of cloud computing. Cloud computing provides users with the data which they required while in mobile computing, applications run on the remote server and give the user access for storage and management.

7. Mention the differences between Elasticity and Scalability?

Elasticity in cloud computing makes sure that the resources which are allocated match the actual amount of resources that are needed at any point in time. Scalability in cloud computing, on the other hand, handles an application’s changing needs that are inside the confines of the infrastructure. It does so by adding or removing resources to meet the preferences of the application.

This is one of the most common cloud security interview questions that is asked.

8. What are the different phases in cloud architecture?

The different phases in cloud architecture are:

  • Launch Phase
  • Cleanup Phase
  • Shutdown Phase
  • Monitor Phase

9. Mention the different layers of cloud architecture.

The cloud architecture has five different layers. They are:

  • Cloud Controller (CLC)
  • Cluster Controller
  • Storage Controller (SC)
  • Node Controller (NC)
  • Walrus

10. What is ‘EUCALYPTUS’ and how is it used in cloud computing.

‘EUCALYPTUS’ is the acronym for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs. It is an open-source software infrastructure used in cloud computing that can produce its own data center in a private cloud. EUCALYPTUS implements clusters in the cloud computing platform for building public, private, and hybrid clouds. You must prepare about EUCALYPTUS thoroughly when preparing for cloud security interview questions.

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11. What is a public cloud?

Public clouds are computing services that are provided over the public internet by third-party providers. This means that these services are available to anyone who wants to use them or purchase them. For example, Microsoft Azure is a public cloud.

12. What is a private cloud?

A private cloud is a single customer cloud and provides computing services to only select users instead of the general public. Hence, the user or organization using it does not have to share with anybody else.

13. What is a hybrid cloud?

A hybrid cloud is a combination of a private cloud with one or more public clouds. They give organizations much more control over their public as well as private data.

You must have a solid understanding of the concept of types of cloud and their examples as they are a part of more important cloud security interview questions.

14. What are the security benefits of cloud computing?

One of the most beneficial aspects of cloud computing is that it gives protection against Distributed denial of service. With its regulatory compliance, it allows the user to control who enters into their cloud environment.

15. What is the importance of cloud computing in IT?

Moving to a cloud computing system drastically reduces the cost of maintaining and managing an organization’s IT system. Cloud computing has services like scalability and elasticity. It supports business continuity and improves flexibility in work practices.

  1. 16. Mention the different data centers in cloud computing?

The different data centers in cloud computing are:

  • Containerized datacenter
  • Low-density datacenter

17. What is the difference between cloud and traditional datacenters?

This is one of the most common cloud security interview questions that recruiters love asking. A traditional datacentre has software issues, and heating and hardware issues and hence are more expensive. These issues are not faced in cloud computing.

18. List the platforms which are used for large-scale cloud computing.

Platforms which are used for large-scale cloud computing are:

  • Apache Hadoop
  • MapReduce

19. How will you secure data for transport in the cloud?

The best way to secure data is to use a VPN. A firewall will also help by creating a barrier between private and public networks.
20. What are the three necessary functioning clouds in cloud computing?
Three necessary functioning clouds in cloud computing are Professional cloud, Personal cloud, Performance cloud.

Also Check:

How to prepare for the CCSK certification exam

How to prepare for the CCSP certification exam

Final Words

So, here we have brought the list of frequently asked cloud security interview questions that have many more chances of being asked in your interview. Interviews can ask you direct or some tricky questions to check out the depth of your knowledge and skills. If you are an experienced candidate, you may also come across a few scenario-based questions in your interview.

Not to mention, certification can increase your chances of getting selected for the job role. So, we recommend you to validate your skills with the most demanded CCSK and/or CCSP certifications and make yourself stand out of the crowd. Don’t forget to check out our high-class training for the CCSK and CCSP certification exams.

So, prepare with these cloud security interview questions to ace your interview and get one step closer to your dream job!

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