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Top Trends in Cybersecurity

The recent digital revolution has brought a significant change to our lifestyle by meeting all our needs at just one click. Cybersecurity is the backbone of this industrial transformation. The surge in the use of smart devices and social media interactions have unveiled many loopholes and vulnerabilities in the existing security practices. Therefore, it has become essential for Cybersecurity to outspread its practices to other industries other than information technology. Cybersecurity has been prominent for all these years and continues to do so with many promising advancements. Here are some of the top trending topics in Cybersecurity for the year 2020.

Data Privacy

Social Media Platforms are leveraged as a rich source of personal information. Online identity and activities contain meticulous data that defines a person’s behavior and accords personal whereabouts. This depicts the need for and importance of online privacy. The recent attacks on social media have questioned the authenticity of our accounts and the confidentiality of our content. The compromised accounts are not only a threat in itself, but they also contribute to revealing information from other accounts. Due to the alarming events, GDPR(General Data Privacy Regulation) has provided consumers with full control over their data by giving them the right to manage and restrict any personal information.

The Medical Industry also deals with a lot of sensitive information. Newly implemented digital technologies have replaced traditional consulting practices, causing a sudden rise in electronic medical data. The risk of confidential health information being exposed is a huge concern for the Medical and Health care industry. HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a framework that provides effective rules for protecting health data. It implements a robust data protection mechanism to safeguard health-related data from any kind of breach.


Blockchain is a decentralized distributed technology that keeps track of all activities and preserves the integrity of data. It was first used by Bitcoin – a digital currency that records secure transactions. The tamper-proof nature of blockchain validates it as an efficient solution for many cybersecurity problems. Researchers are trying to implement this technology and build a transparent ledger system that manages digital identity, online voting, and asset management. Blockchain is slowly and steadily making its way to the corporate world and will soon be adopted as a secure data storage mechanism. Blockchain pentesting, forensics, and incident response are also progressing areas of research and manifest a potential future in Cybersecurity. 

5G Security

5G Technology is geared up and is expected to roll out by 2021. The adoption of 5G architecture by telecommunication will introduce a faster and reliable communication between multiple devices. There are a dozen vulnerabilities in the 5G networks that can compromise a user’s location and even create panic using emergency alerts. It is a topic of interest due to the constant vulnerabilities being found. It will take time to have an effective and efficient 5G network running. Cybersecurity needs proficient and competent ethical hackers to help them find the vulnerabilities before an attacker does. Ethical hackers are trying their best to find the loopholes and vulnerabilities that may cause adverse damages to the user.

To learn the skills of an ethical hacker, join the Certified Ethical hacking Course by Infosectrain.com. The CEH v10 training will upskill you with tools and software that are used by real-life hackers.

Internet of Things

IoT is no longer exclusively used for projects and proof of concepts. It has paved its path to the real world and is widely being used in the Automotive, Medical, and Electronic industries.

The vehicle and automotive industry provide various infotainment systems to enhance the driving experience. Some high-end vehicles with a virtual cockpit also display tyre pressure and fuel efficiency. All these systems either work via Bluetooth or Wifi, exposing these vehicles to various threats causing serious damages. The existing security practices are not efficient and have given rise to various instances where a hacker could gain control of the vehicle. It is of the utmost importance to come up with a competent cybersecurity solution to mitigate such scenarios.

IoMT ( Internet of Medical things ) connects medical devices and software applications to provide accurate diagnosis at a lower cost. These devices include various wearables like smart belts and smart wrist bands that track temperature, heartbeat, etc. There are also smart pills that come into an advanced category of medical devices. These pills have sensors that track the stomach fluids and send real-time data to a wearable device. These devices then indicate when it is time to ingest a medicine. When these medical devices are paired with cell phones, they provide healthcare information delivered at lightning speed. This technology is a boon with many flaws that can cause fatal injuries. Therefore, these devices should be secured and safeguarded from all kinds of attacks.

This digital world is the new normal and has changed the functioning of many industries. The rising trends and lack of skilled professionals make Cybersecurity a booming career option with many emerging opportunities. To keep yourself updated with the industry trends, join courses that provide effective training and hands-on lab experience. ‘Cybersecurity Expert Master’s program can be used as a launchpad for your career. This program will not only edify your knowledge but will also upskill you with the professional methods required by the industry.

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