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Google Play Store Outspreads The New Android Banking Trojan TeaBot

A new sort of trojan known as “TeaBot” was discovered infecting people during the start of 2021. The malware was created with the intent of stealing the victim’s bank account information and SMS messages. It was discovered slipping past Google Play Store restrictions again to target users of over 400 banking and financial applications, including those from Russia, China, and the United States. 

TeaBot, also known as Anatsa and Toddler, initially appeared in May 2021, disguising its dangerous activities as seemingly benign PDF document and QR code scanner applications downloaded through the legitimate Google Play Store rather than third-party app stores or fraudulent websites. Remote Access Trojans, or RATs, may cause financial devastation. Attackers come at you from all sides on the internet, and the malware they create is frequently deceptive in its adaptability.

According to an additional study published in July 2021 by Swiss cyber threat intelligence firm PRODAFT, the banking virus has already “infected over 7,632 computers and obtained over 1023 banking credentials,” with the compromised users belonging to 18 financial institutions.